The Freedom Institute School PTO, Naples, FL
The Freedom Institute is more than a high school. It offers a personalized learning model that empowers students to tailor their education to their unique interests and college and career aspirations. The Freedom Institute provides college and high school courses (including Freedom’s C5 curriculum), college prep, career prep, job placement, and internships. Freedom students will be well-prepared for their chosen post-graduation paths and ready for a lifetime of economic freedom. Their students "Soar to Success" with their Success Coaches – trained, certified, highly experienced educators – who oversee and work alongside each student. Success Coaches are more than instructors. They are academic advisors, advocates, facilitators, career coaches, internship initiators, and mentors aligned with student-specific goals.
It has been so exciting to help them develop a new logo for their PTO, and design and maintain their website. You can visit their PTO website by clicking on the logo above.